Mark Lyon

eDiscovery Attorney

Category / eDiscovery

July 14, 2016

Burndown Charts for Document Review

Accurately predicting the status and expected completion of a document population is no easy task. Communicating the results clearly is also often a challenge. Fortunately, there are tools available to help with this task. One of the most helpful is a simple burndown chart, showing the outstanding work versus time. To make generating and tracking projections …

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November 30, 2015

Black Friday eDiscovery Training Deals


This year several eDiscovery vendors have extended Black Friday / Cyber Monday / #eDiscoveryDay deals. The most attractive of the offerings is FTI’s offer of free Ringtail 8.5 certification, a value of up to $250.  The programs offered are Reviewer I (for users who primarily review and code documents) and Reviewer II (for users who oversee …

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January 4, 2015

Training a Review Team

River Region Health Center Training Room photo courtesy of Jason Wohlford ( - CC BY-SA 2.0)

The success of a document review project depends heavily on a successful training day. While the core members of the case team have likely been actively working on the matter for weeks or months, new team members will not start with the same level of knowledge and need to be quickly and efficiently brought up …

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May 29, 2014

TrueCrypt Security

TrueCrypt is one of the standard encryption tools used in eDiscovery to transport data – both coming from source material and in outgoing productions. It’s an incredibly easy-to-use, free, cross-platform tool that presents encrypted “containers” as drives that can be accessed on a local system. On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, the TrueCrypt SourceForge page was updated …

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May 19, 2014

Hot Terms

In 2010, Anton Valukas at Jenner and Block issued a massive report in his capacity as examiner in the Lehman bankruptcy. The report was an incredibly in-depth review of the business and its failure, but also included a significant amount of detail about his methods and sources. The report disclosed that from three petabytes of available data, approximately …

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April 25, 2014

Logikcull – An Amazing, Self-Service eDiscovery Experience

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to test a wide variety of document review platforms. Some, like Relativity and OmniX, seem to do a great job of solving certain review challenges, particularly in large projects. Some, which I won’t name, can be frustrating no matter the type and size of project. Others focus on …

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April 7, 2014

Nextpoint Discovery Cloud

Over the past few years, I’ve had occasion to use many different review tools. There are constantly new entrants, however, and one of the more interesting ideas I’ve seen is Nextpoint Discovery Cloud. As I understand it, their tool takes an upload of data to be processed and – in a self-serve, automated way – …

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November 25, 2013

Microsoft Urges eDiscovery Rules Changes

Today, Microsoft posted an article about eDiscovery that shed some light on their internal preservation and review burden. “In FY 2010, Microsoft had to preserve about 39 terabytes in total to comply with obligations. By the end of FY 2013, that number grew to more than 261 terabytes.” They also note that the company has …

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July 24, 2013

The Importance of Affirmative Tags

Designing an effective, intuitive coding layout is not always as easy as it seems. Often, the choices made in coding selections will color the ultimate work product, so much care and attention goes into crafting specific issue codes and responsiveness instructions that distill various requests into easily understood components. That list will then circulate through …

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July 22, 2013

Django for Reporting

Generating reports and logging data is a common but necessary task for all project managers. When dealing with eDiscovery, the task can quickly grow out of hand. Populations, progress, errors, deadlines, billing and all sorts of other information must be easily accessible to those managing the matter. Without the right data, you can’t work efficiently. …

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